The Head Coach gets on East Gippsland Challenge board

- How did you get involved into Adventure Racing?

Stage 4 melanoma cancer diagnosis prompted me to get out and start living life to the full, and nature was where my heart and soul wanted to be. 

My first race was a 48 hr adventure race in Albany WA and because we needed to be able to navigate I also fell into Rogaining. After many 24-hour races both in Australia and overseas I moved onto longer distance expedition races (XPD, Expedition Africa, GodZone). I would now say that most of my downtime is spent adventuring in some capacity, it’s more just a way of life than a sport these days.


I am a qualified ICF Ontological Coach, my coaching is based on a body of work called Ontology which focusses on how we as humans, observe our world. I personally started using a coach to transition through a professional change and then continued to see my coach to assist me with challenges associated with training, diet, health and relationships.  I now support others particularly in the athletic and professional space through my business The Head Coach.

The coach works as your catalyst for change.To support you to develop more effective actions to achieve things you once thought impossible.

Modern life is prescriptive in nature, the draw to adventure racing is to discover experiences that take us out of our day to day monotony. It provides opportunities to experience freedom and adventure but conversely discomfort, challenges and a lack of control. The thought of this is exciting when we sign up and hit the ENTER key, but reality on course at the mercy of sadistic race directors can be very different.

When you are lost, cold and have a blister the size of Tasmania on your foot you will most likely be wishing you spent your annual leave on a tropical island holiday. This is where taking time to focus on the head side of your game to complement and improve your physical training will give you a platform for a being adaptable and resilient when the going gets tough.

Adventure racing requires significant financial and time commitment. We train in multiple disciples, pay for entry fees, bikes, travel and gear, we use our annual leave for racing and training, lug 8 trolleys worth of food and gear to all corners of the globe and put our bodies through countless days with limited sleep. 

It can be really tough! Getting an independent support to help you work through these inevitable challenges can be highly beneficial. 


- What are the main challenges of getting into Adventure Racing?

Signing up for your first race

Your first adventure race can be extremely daunting, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious about letting team mates down, being fearful of getting lost, getting injured and basically not knowing what to expect out on course. Talking through these concerns will help you stress less, feel more confident and be able relax and enjoy the journey.


Large training hours impact your relationships, work and social spaces. I admit to sleeping under my desk at work to try to get enough sleep! Learn how to manage these impacts to ensure you are meeting your other commitments, while still getting the volume of training required for a successful race. You also need to balance your training, nutrition and rest to ensure your body and mind don’t burn out before you get to the start line. The intention is to get through the race with the rest of your life still intact!

Race Pre-mortem

We analyse our races after the fact, but there is great value in doing this pre-race. If you understand what works personally for you in dealing with issues when they arise, it will lead to more confidence at the start line and beyond.

To talk about this and more get in touch with Lesa. 

Lesa’s goal is to support you to productively deal with challenges and discover the amazing experiences adventure racing has to offer. 

Get in touch for details on one on one coaching sessions or check out the link to a workshop she’s running in December on becoming a more adaptable athlete.

Best of luck and happy adventuring!


Lesa Muir
Professional Coach & Leadership Consultant

0458 154 567
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